• Businesses, Townhouse
  • Tipo de propiedad
  • 148
  • m2

Vista general

  • Businesses, Townhouse
  • Tipo de propiedad
  • 148
  • m2


Last updated on July 19th, 2023 at 08:15 am

And here is a project with opportunities.  A house with room for a garden and pool or a café or restaurant to service tourists at the beginning (and the end) of the La Pavilla, one of the favourite walks for people visiting the Valley. https://www.google.com/search?q=La+PAvilla+niguelas&oq=La+PAvilla+niguelas&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2.4735j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:35d140b0,vid:e_EtSHJUCVs

The house is not really suitable to live in at present, although for the hardier amongst us could do so in the upper level; but what it really needs is someone with imagination to make this something really special.

Next to the road and the Acequia de la Cruz and on the lower level is a corral which could be used to create a garden with a pool, or as a café or restaurant.  On the first floor are three rooms and what used to be the kitchen.  It is possible to add another floor and a roof terrace to the house giving great views over the valley and more accommodation.

The house is situated at the top of Niguelas, below some very pretty cave houses.  Niguelas is a lively village with a good social life and is the entry point to the Sierra Nevada mountains.


  • Pueblo Niguelas


Updated on July 19, 2023 at 8:15 am
  • Precio: 68.000,00€
  • Tamaño de la propiedad: 148 m2
  • Parcela: 154 m2
  • Tipo de propiedad: Businesses, Townhouse
  • Estado de la propiedad: To renovate

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